Rav's Roof Repair Advice

How to Prepare for a New Gutter Installation in Your Home

Replacing old gutters on your roof is one of the best decisions that you can make for your home. Old and worn gutters leak water which can cause the paint on your exterior walls to chip. Additionally, the leakage can also cause problems with your foundation. So replacing them does more than improve the aesthetics of your home—it preserves the structural integrity of your home's foundation as well. As you plan for the installation of your new gutters, take the following steps so that you can get the best value from the new gutters.

Repair the soffits and fascia boards

If your gutters are worn and damaged, the chances are that the soffits and fascia boards are also damaged as well. These boards are part of the roofing system, and they play a critical role in determining the structure's integrity. Before replacing your old gutters, inspect the soffits and fascia boards and look out for signs of mould growth, rotting wood. If any of these problems are present, address before installing the new gutters. Failure to do this will cause the rot and mould to extend to the gutter system, and this will shorten its lifespan.

Repair the roof's edges

After removing old gutters, you will find portions of the roof edges that are worn or slightly damaged after the removal. Repair the edges so that you can maintain the structural integrity of the roof after the new installation. This will enable you to have an even surface for installing the new gutters. Also, consider repainting the roof's edges if there is any sign of chipping paint as well. Repainting not only improves the appearance of the edges, but it also seals the edges and protects them against moisture damage.

Reassess the home's drainage

Your gutter system will determine how water from the roof flows away from the house. Gutters should be installed with the drainage in mind to prevent water from pooling around the foundation. So assess your drainage system and tailor your new gutters to suit it. If there are any drainage issues in the home, address them before installing the new gutters. For example, if the land is sloped towards the house, no gutters will prevent water from causing foundation damage. Grade the ground to increase the efficiency of the new gutters in redirecting water away from the foundation.

Gutters play a significant role in determining the performance of your roof. Contact a roofing contractor for professional gutter downpipe replacement after addressing the mentioned issues.
