Rav's Roof Repair Advice

Four Practical Steps for Restoring Your Tile Roofing

If your tile roof is old and worn out, you should plan for the restoration of the structure. This process is cheaper than replacing the entire roofing. Also, you should note that roof replacement can be inconvenient and time-consuming. Ideally, you should hire an experienced roofer for the roof restoration work. However, if you have time and relevant knowledge, you can conduct the project without professional assistance. Here are practical tips for restoring your old tile roof.

Check the Tiles for Damage

You should inspect your roof and identify the damaged sections of the structure. In most cases, the damage on this type of roofing will be localised. For example, individual tiles might be broken due to mechanical impact from tree branches. You should take note of the completely broken tiles which cannot be salvaged. It is also essential to identify the lightly cracked units. These tiles will deteriorate with time if they are left in the same condition.

Replace Damaged Tiles

After identifying the damaged tiles, you should purchase replacement units. The new products should be made from the same material as the original tiles, and their appearance should be as alike as possible. If you use different shades, your roof might look a little chaotic. Replace the old tiles with the new alternatives to restore optimal protection. If the tiles are only slightly cracked, you can look for an appropriate repair product or sealant to restore the integrity of the roofing. However, it is always advisable to replace broken tiles for longer service.

Clean the Roof

Tile roofs often become discoloured with time due to the accumulation of dust and the growth of moss. Therefore, when you are planning for your roof restoration project, you should think about making time to clean the tiling. This process will help in restoring the aesthetic appeal of the roof. You should note that cleaning old tiles can be challenging. If you are not careful, you might cause more damage to your roof. If you are not familiar with the right practices, you should consult your roofing expert for advice.

Protect the Tiling

Finally, you should remember to protect your tile roof during the restoration work. It is not uncommon for homeowners to crack tiles and cause dislocations during DIY roofing projects. Therefore, you should remember to avoid stepping on the roof where possible. You can use elevated access devices such as ladders or scissor lifts. If you must step on the roof, you should step on the tile peaks because these sections are stronger.
